
Lundi :
- Acquisition des polys
- Sclérose en Plaques

- Tout ce qui touchait de près ou de loin à la méningite

- Maladie de Parkison et ses dg différentiels
- Myasthénie

Jeudi :
- Dg différentiels de la myasthénie
- Hémorragie méningée

- Les médicaments dopaminergiques
- Anatomo-pathologie neurologique

- Le VIH
- Confusion chez le sujet âgé
- Syndrome de la queue de cheval
- Compression médullaire non traumatique
- Mouvements anormaux
- Orientation diagnostique devant un déficit moteur et/ou sensitif des membres

- Evaluation de la gravité et recherche des complications précoces chez un traumatisé crânio-facial


When you walked into my life
You completed my soul


i am yours. and i think i have been yours from the moment i saw you across the street. i still get this feeling in my chest whenever i walk by this area.
i am yours when you wake me up at night and can not go back to sleep.
i am yours when we lay in bed together.
i am yours when you pull out that "dimpled" smile of yours.
i am yours when you take my glasses and put them on (but i can't even see you).
i am yours when you drive me nuts.
i am yours when you tease me.
i am yours when i drop everything off to see you.

and sometimes (and by that, i mean all the time) i wish that you'd be mine.
you are mine when you take care of me in your very own way.
you are mine when you cook for me.
you are mine when i trust you.
you are mine when you say you want to see me.
you are mine when you share your meal with me.
you are mine when you lean on me.
you are mine when you don't care about what they think.
you are mine when i know you wouldn't tell anyone else.
you are mine when you say i'm the best.

cr*p, i think i love you. and not in a "ilu" way. real, plain i love you that hurts and makes you feel great at the same time.
saying it out loud seems like the stupidest thing in the world but there it is.


F*ck, mon type de personnalité a changé. Je suis soudain devenu whiny and needy.
Y aurait-il un rapport avec "l'adresse"?

K. & B. (Non, pas Ken et Barbie) : tks.